Thursday, September 30, 2021

Hatry and Meghan

"When they claimed to want privacy, they probably meant private jets.

Now they are more Hollywood than Holyrood House, more brand- building than Buckingham and more soundbites than Sandringham."

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Andrew E

He recounted how his composition, "Humanap ka ng panget" came about. No.15 in the line-up for Kuya Germs' show That's Entertainment,' he answered that he couldn't sing nor dance, but could rap. He was asked to give a sample of his talent, after which he was told the usual brush-off. No.16 could neither sing, dance nor rap. She was accepted.
Her name? Donita Rose! (@Cristy Ferminute)

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

George and Amal

"She is all business. He is all fun."

They agreed to meet half-way. If in the same city, George will lessen the party- going. Instead, he can read up on politics and law, for when he has conversations with Amal, who begs off from the red carpet as much as possible.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Chesapeake Shores

"It's ok not to be on the same page sometimes, so long as you're both on the same book."

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Emotional Courage

"To get the best out of people, be:

1. Open to vulnerability;
2. Open to feedback;
3. Curious for knowledge;
4. Humble to give others credit,
     speak from the heart, admit
     mistakes, teachable and listen
     to understand first." 

Marcel Schwantes

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Self- Compassion Mantras

"1. Practice makes improvement/ progress.
  2. Not every flaw, weakness/problem in me 
       needs to be fully solved now.
  3. While prefer to be flawless, can succeed
       without being perfect. Avoid shoulds, musts.
  4. Emotions hurt, regardless of why. Say sorry
      to yourself.
  5. Everyone makes mistakes, I do and will do.
  6. Trying to avoid all mistakes costly, leads to
       hesitation. Small mistakes not dangerous.
   7. Human to repeat mistakes.
   8. Give self all the love, kindness and support
       craved right now. Hold your own hand.
   9. Normal to be bumpy and frustrated.
 10. Best thing to do right now? What do I need
       most right now? Include self- care.
 11. Tomorrow's a new day.
 12. You and most other people are doing the
        best you/they can.



"It is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can come from you." Ralph Harslon

Thursday, September 23, 2021


DU30 committed another faux pas at the UN. He took to the virtual podium and tore the house down. Who asked him to speak there anyway?

Like his own defense attorney, he also pleaded his own case.

Didn't he realize his spokesperson has a pending application at the ILC? No, DU30 lives just for himself.

Perhaps, he should really be in hospital! If his daughter Mayor of Davao can find him a bed in their covid-infected city.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Fr. Bu

Papa Freud of PH Psych, Fr. Jaime Bulatao, SJ would have been 99 today. Fun facts:

1. He studied Kindergarten in St. Theresa's College Manila, making him one of Mother Redempta's Boys.

2. Being the youngest, he added new meaning to the Jesuit motto of Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam- Another Mother's Darling Gone.

3. When one of the Psych staff was picked up by the Metrocom during Martial Law, he went with them to Camp Crame and had her released in his custody.

4. On the evening of 22 February 1986, he was  having dinner at the nearby home of Arturo and Mariter Jalandoni- Macapagal, whose wedding he had officiated.

5. He told everybody's son, "You are going to be a Jesuit."

6. He loved ice cream and told everyone to meet him at heaven's ice cream stand.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Win Some

Missile-carrying drones have reduced fatalities among soldiers but not among innocent civilians as proven recently in Afghanistan.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Jean Paul Belmondo

Interviewed on a French cable network, he revealed his Italian blood on his father's side. From him, he learned humility in his art. As one star he was greeting said, "You are not as ugly as they say." True to character, he adopted a 3-legged dog in Romania even if they were giving him a better-looking one.

Fame does not necessarily lead to a happy family, but doing a job well does. 

Actors act for the audience, not for the critics. Actors love; critics hate. 

Actors, forget it if you just want to be a star. Start acting on stage first, as he did. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Path to Personal Growth

 "1. Learn how to respond better to the situation.

   2. Find those you can learn from.

   3. Reframe mindset to focus more on solution."

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Something the Lord Made

HBO featured Dr. Blalock's black laboratory assistant who couldn't enter a function at The Belvedere, so he carried luggage then acted like a waiter. For assisting in a delicate open-heart operation on a blue baby, Vivien Thomas was awarded an honorary PhD and his portrait now hangs beside Dr. Blalock's at Johns Hopkins.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Now you see

Thank you, ICC for finally catching up with PH's Neo- Hitler. At least his idol did not kill his own countrymen!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Love Boat

After OnePH news and Wag Po, a cruise on HITS ends my day. Lately though, it has been featuring travails too. Like twins boarding as one with identical attire and a watch with alarm for when to go back to cabin and the other's turn to go out. Last night, jewelry thieves were after a star's diamond!

Giving ideas to Low Life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Con/tra- Troll

Stop spreading fake news

Get out of FB

Polluting all our accounts too

Bow wow, bow wow. (for Davao)

(Parody on New York, New York)


Monday, September 13, 2021


DU30 admits guilt not by outrightly saying so but by deflecting blame or pointing out the supposed corruption of persons exposing his own crimes.

Turning Point

Netflix's riveting documentary on 9-11 follows events and US Presidents from the Twin Towers carnage to Biden's order for US troops to evacuate Afghanistan. Life imitating the art of conspiracy.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sense of Smell

It works on three levels.

DU30 refers to the elusive "whiff of corruption."

DOH considers its loss a symptom of Covid.

It is doomsday for a chef. "On the Verge" (Netflix)

Friday, September 10, 2021


The emergency number had become a day to recoil from. After 20 years, too the presence of US vs IS comes to an end in Afghanistan. But it seems "Tuloy ang Taliban!"

Thursday, September 9, 2021


 "See your goal.

   Understand obstacles.

   Create a positive mental picture.

   Clear your mind of self-doubt.

   Embrace the challenges.

   Stay on track.

   Show the world you can."

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Francis Bacon

He is quoted, thus: "He who has wife and children has given hostages to fortune." 'Chesapeake Shores' father to son

Sunday, September 5, 2021


"Power doesn't change a person. It reveals his character."

"It's your choices that reveal character."

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Blessings for September

 "May your health improve

                ...  finances multiply

                     friends be blessed

                     family be loved

                     pain be removed

                     worries disappear.

             God bless you."

Friday, September 3, 2021

MASH Motivation

Once in a while, Hawkeye turns pensive over what they are doing in the Military Ambulatory Surgical Hospital. "It seeems we just keep them alive so they can kill again."

Thursday, September 2, 2021


"I will make way for you.

  I am fighting your battles.

  Prayer is the best medicine.

  Trust my timing."

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Pun Mail

In "Three's Company," when Jack was having a hard time getting into a fancy restaurant without a reservation, he shouted, 'Horse meat in the filly mignon!'