Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Still at it

The German shooter of Jews in the Pittsburgh synagogue shows Neo- Nazism is back with a vengeance.

Issues not resolved in mediation have a way of resurfacing.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Spitting Distance

Now DU30 tells opponents- critics to spit on his face if they find him lying! As if it is possible, with all his thugs around, headed by a pretty aide. Then he gets back to his misogynist self and adds, if the woman is his type, he might return the (dis)favor.

Senseless and crude rhetorics has no place in mediation. No playing to the peanut gallery.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Emotionally Disturbed People

The capture of the recent  mailer of bombs to Democrats and progressives raises more questions on these EDPs than answers them.

For one, is Trump his enabler? He is not mediator material, definitely.


Shoring up whatever good feedback it could muster, DU30 rolls out 1 train from the past administration. Election make politicians realistic, practical, or daring.

Should have been called Bagalan, or wait out a decent time interval from Pnoy's shadow, while citizens squeeze like sardines in trains.

Friday, October 26, 2018


Lapena is out of Customs but in Tesda now.

Displacing problems is not the way of mediation.

In the Right Direction

Survey says majority of Filipinos believe PH is so. But to where?

Mediation is, toward conflict resolution.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Time Of Their Lives

This HBO feature gathered golden stars Joan Collins and Franco Nero in a chance encounter in France.

Mediation is like the second wind too for the rewired.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Senate President

There ought to be a law among lawmakers. Koko Pimentel's reelection bid is being questioned at the Comelec on term limit.

Mediators are likewise expected to have a working knowledge of the law. Otherwise they become only "parang legal."

Bopping Heads

You know that game where one bops monsters cropping up one after the other? DU30 seems to be on that activity dealing with one issue after another. After prices of rice and gas are lowered, farmers in Negros are killed. NPAs are an easy scapegoat.

Mediation covers all the issues related to the conflict. In DU30's case, it is his own mismanagement or even a lack of management.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Another Woeman

Misogynist DU30 reputedly running the most corrupt oddministration so far has brought out yet another of his victims to the fore- right! Atty. Mangaoang, Deputy Collector of Customs insists there were drugs in those magnetic equipment, as confirmed by x-rays and those sniffing dogs, maybe female too.

Mediation goes by evidence, not baseless claims to the contrary.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

To Die For

PH is reportedly one of the worst places in which to die. Could it be because of our National Anthem, as Tito Sotto insists on reviving his musical composition talent.

But what about to live in? The Ruth Foundation as featured in CNNPH looks after Filipinos till their end.

Friday, October 19, 2018

I don't want dynasties

So says DU30 but his 3 children running for office, at least not against each other. He could've truthfully said, "I don't want fraternal competition."

More than what disputants claim, check what happens around him.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Excess Baggage

A current local film is a pun on the original airline term of overweight luggage. The Church has yet another interpretation:

Once the demands of necessity and propriety have been met, the rest of your money belongs to the poor. (Leo Xlll)

The man who has two shirts in his closet, one belongs to him; the other belongs to the man who has no shirt. (John Chrysostom)

Maybe a little extreme for disputants, but not the spirit of sharing.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


As submitted by his lawyer, Enrile's Comelec application for Senator had such a typo regarding his occupation, less grievous than all the revision he does on the topic of Martial Law.

That is why a mediator talks to disputants directly.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Party's On

Election fever is up. Names of parties sprout at the drop of a name. Goodness, in Makati, two siblings will slug it out. Sounds familial?!

Papa Binay failed to mediate between his Junior ex-mayor and current mayor Ate Abigail.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Better Late Than Never

The Golden Boys go to Sweden this time and take etiquette lessons under strict Ms. Magdalena. She claims that toasting a drink is done with the right hand to ensure a weapon or poison is not being tossed instead. She later walks out on these incorrigible old men.

"Little ethics" useful in mediation too.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

A One Way to Antibes

CinemaEurope's Sunday film was truly one for reflection. An old Swedish widower George returned to a temporarily lost first love, after signing a contract concocted by his children as George Bush!

A pity, such low-down moves among family members have led to lawsuits.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Bongga Bong Go

Bongga is now in the Oxford English Dictionary. Bong Go's political plan is out.

Mediation exacts sincerity of both disputants.

Friday, October 12, 2018

In Escrow

FRIENDS' Chandler and Monica thought this was the location of the house they were buying. 

Terms like this, meaning "fund or deposit delivered by one person to another to be delivered to a third party only upon fulfillment of a condition, are to be clarified in mediation.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Aussie crab mentality

Naomi Watts calls it the "tall poppy syndrome" when outstanding people are cut to size.

Sources of conflict are universal.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

PARA sa mga broken-hearted

Advice to them: stop!

Nuances in communication is important everytime, like  in mediation.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Banksy no more

After auction, this artwork really went gone- as in through a built-in shredder.

Mediation does something like that to conflict.

Monday, October 8, 2018


Harry Roque seems to be on a hairy roguish situation, to the karmic delight of those in the activist movement he had abandoned for the Palace of his dreams. Now he is left out of the loop too by DU30 and Bong Go who could be eyeing his post.

Mediation puts a premium on credibility and more so integrity.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Spin Goes On

These cons-pirators are now after students, having failed to implicate the Reds, yellow and Magdalo groups. They should follow their leader who has admitted surely begrudgingly responsibility for the runaway inflation. Deflated ego.

Admission is part of the solution.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Dog Mediator

After the news, Cesar Millan on NATGEO is always good relief. This episode had dog Stella biting a neighbor walking her own pet. That neighbor brought in Cesar to tame bird dog Stella's aggression. Her breed really is meant to just sniff and retrieve fallen prey. Days at Cesar's Dog Psychology Center do the trick.

Successful mediation.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Victoria & Abdul

HBO featured this platonic love story in early 1900 UK. Widowed Queen Victoria took to adopting an Indian sent on her Jubilee as bearer of a token. She even thought of knighting Abdul, to the horror of her son and staff. In the end, she opted to give him the Royal Victorian Order.

Successful self- mediation. 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Founder

Of McDonald's was a pair of brothers actually who were taken over an enterprising sundae machine salesman, Ray Kroc. In the end, he held the brothers by the neck, stripping them of royalties. When asked if he would settle, he replied probably never.

Failed mediation.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Rolling Stores

They're back as part of the return of the Marcosian legacy. Gathers no more.

Mediation is not one of those bandaid, show-and-tell solutions.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


UK PM Theresa May "isang accessory" when she again expressed belief in getting out of the EU- a big silver chain necklace that looked like a leash.

Nothing like explaining your side of the conflict.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Abram & Sara

One of the Bible's earliest love stories after Adam & Eve was also beset by infertility. No IVF yet then, they sought the help of a surrogate too. Could this have been the start of the Middle East crisis we have now?

God, the Eternal Mediator, facilitated a better, even miraculous compromise.