Pardon the comparison, but stories about the supposed lovelife of a murdered man of the cloth by Duterte is a no-no. Poor guy cannot defend himself from this man of the froth! Why didn't they confront him when he was alive, for goodness sake. (Winnie Monsod remarked how could the victim still find time to do church work if all those women were around?)
This defeatist attitude of Duterte is so negative and narrow-minded in its focus only on warfare as the way out of the Western Philippine Sea conflict.
As the Bible says, those who live by the sword die by it too.
"On SCS: Let us help our President" article of Former Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto del Rosario is an
excellent example of ADR. It was respectful but full of options we could do about the South China Sea. After all, he is chair of the ADR Institute.
Duterte says his mouth is not the problem? Even when it speaks of wishing to have raped a female foreign missionary first? Or backing- up His policemen in crimes against human rights? Or siding with China more than the Philippines?
A true test of a mediator's mettle, a disputant like this who is so out of touch with reality.
Seems so, at the rate we have an alleged murderer and traitor in the Palace, rapist in the Senate, philanderer in the House, and gamblers in the Supreme Court!
But no, we are sovereign as disputants also craft their own Compromise Agreement
It was Duterte son Baste to do a sequel. He jet-skied as his father promised but on Philippine water across Quezon Province- with a Senatorial candidate at that!
Mr. Stop literally was prevented from continuous dynamite-fishing when his hand was blown off in an accident. He now takes care of mangroves in penitence.
Disputants in successful mediation carry its torch too.
The trouble with advanced praise release is that after raising expectation, it can prove to be a dud. It was not wise to tell Filipinos earnest at work in Kuwait to come home in the name of nationalism, or more so, in retaliation for Kuwait's shabby treatment of the PH consulate.
Disputants face each other and do not use pawns in their conflict resolution.
Britain's Got Talent had a mute contestant who spoke through a contraption. Such wit! One example: being special has its benefits and extra consideration. I just get worried when they say they are planning to send Special Forces to war.
For attending to the needs of Filipinos who are neglected by this government, the latter is kicking out Sr. Pat. She will be missed by those she has served.
Definition of terms and issues is also required in mediation.